Logs for Expressjs using Winston

11 Jan 2021

On stock-trade application I wanted to put all my logs on a file, there is a package, Winston, that make it very easy. So, for install the package, the project was already initialized, just typing this for installing the Winston package:

npm install winston

The easy way to use Winston package, you can import/require the package on index.js like this:

const winston = require('winston')

And then in order to use it you can type something like this:

winston.info('Listening on port 3000')

But we could go a little bit further, so we could make a module for logs in our utils directory like this, here the code and export the module like this:

const winston = require('winston')

module.exports = winston.createLogger({
  transports: [
      new winston.transports.Console({
          level: 'debug',
          handleExceptions: true,
          format: winston.format.combine(
      new winston.transports.File({
          level: 'info',
          handleExceptions: true, 
          format: winston.format.combine(
          maxsize: 5120000, // 5 Mb
          maxFiles: 5,
          filename: `${__dirname}/../logs/application-logs.log`

Here we are setting up the logs for console and for files, our files are going to be max 5 and the size of the file will be 5 Mb, also we are setting up the directory where our files will be created.